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Full house

I feel like I start a lot of my blogs with 'this morning was stunning' but it is true. The ocean was still lake like and today we had a full crowd...some long lost souls joined us and it was nice to catch up and chatter. And to try and figure out the family connections of others :-)

The temp was 15,2 and it was simply lovely.

I woke up this morning feeling super down and overwhelmed by a work load that is just not getting better. And now after the swim I feel ready to tackle a full day of being stretched in every direction. We need the ocean to remind us how minor our stressors really are.

Today's crowd... Poor Grant is seriously outnumbered...

And us out in the sea - looking like dolphins :-)



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We are a group of people that love bobbing around in the water at 7am come rain, wind, summer or winter...

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